The Four Agreements Synopsis
The ancient Toltecs called themselves dream masters because they understood that we all live in a dream that is more than an « objective reality. » And the good news is that we all have the power to change our dream. We must first become aware of our domestication and then adopt new agreements. Ruiz teaches that the way we see the world and interact with it is entirely created by thousands and thousands of tiny « chords » – situations we experience, we form an opinion, and then we will solidify in our minds as a real fact. An opinion is not a fact. It`s just an opinion, a way of seeing the world. In this way, we learn how to behave and what we should believe and accept as normal. Ruiz says that because we didn`t choose these rules and agreements, we should ask ourselves why we accept them and we live from them. That`s it for this book! Don Miguel`s words are so simple and yet so powerful. I hope you have learned a lot about the origin of your old beliefs and rules and how to make new agreements to live better in the future. This path begins with the Four Accords. These are really new ways of life that you can accept voluntarily. These agreements are as follows: the forgiveness that binds Don Miguel to conscience concerns the forgiveness of our past and the persistent failure against the agreements we still have.
It is also forgiveness for suffering ourselves and the people around us because of our accepted illusions. More, forgive the suffering that others produce because of their dreams. The fourth agreement allows readers to better understand the progress made in achieving their life goals. This agreement implies the integration of the first three agreements into daily life and the full potential of exploitation. [8] It`s about doing what`s best to manage individually, which is different from the different situations and circumstances the individual may face. Ruiz believes that if you avoid self-judgment and do his best at every given moment, he will be able to avoid regrets. [10] By integrating the first three chords and giving the best of themselves in all facets of life, the individual will be able to lead a life free of sadness and self-extinction. [10] The four agreements are different. While I don`t think this book (and Ruiz`s writing style or language) is a book that everyone will feel comfortable with, I have a strong impression that the message is universal and can be experienced by anyone. We submit to social pressure and expectations.
Unconsciously, we adapt to what the world tells us, that we should be and do. We`re usually not happy with it, but at the end of the day, we blame everyone for it – our bosses, our parents, our partner – it`s always someone else`s fault. The message of this book is clear – you must take responsibility for your own life and your own destiny. You choose the path and the way you want to live your life. My personal opinion is that the four chords together are a powerful set of tools to put you on the right track. As I said, not for everyone, but powerful stuff for spiritual inclines. .