You Have Not Accepted The License Agreements Of The Following Sdk Components 26

You Have Not Accepted The License Agreements Of The Following Sdk Components 26

If you are using the Android SDK Manager GUI and the license is still rejected, try the following, which worked for me: recreate the current folder $ANDROID_HOME/license on your computer. This would have the same result as the process described in the msg error link ( Thanks guys, it worked. But in my env sdkmanager –update fails. So here`s my quick hack workaround. – Run: yes| sdkmanager –licenses – run: yes | sdkmanager –update || exit 0 The Docker image I have in my config.yml is circleci/android: api-26-alpha (, and I noticed that it was updated a few hours earlier and it looks like the build error occurred after this update. Which doesn`t mean it works if you haven`t installed the Android tools yet and have already accepted the latest licenses. When you install updates, you are prompted to accept the license agreement. Accept the license agreement and install the updates and you`re all set. (Make sure all required packages are installed first by following our Android setup documents and making sure you fully install an SDK platform) Accept the license `android-sdk-license-c81a61d9` [y/n]: y after successful installation. You did not accept the license agreements for the following SDK, I solved the problem with the following command: Go to: C:Users [PC NAME] AppDataLocalAndroidsdktoolsbin (If the folder is not available, download the Android SDK first, or you can install it from the Android Studio installation process.) You have not accepted the license agreements for the following SDK components: [Android SDK Platform 23, Android SDK Build Tools 23.0.1]. Before you build your project, you must accept the license agreements and complete the installation of the missing components using the Android Studio SDK Manager. If you want to use the IDE to accept the license, I also found it easy to open Android Studio and create a new basic project to trigger the license agreements.

After creating a project, the following license dialog box appeared, which I had to accept: I had previously also updated via the command line and I suspect that the Android SDK manager has a more complete way to resolve dependencies, including licensing. The problem occurs when some of your Android modules need to be compiled using an SDK other than the main image (in this case, 28). Licenses are not signed. [23:33:02] read completed in 1.99 s License review for Android SDK Platform 26 package in /usr/lib/android-sdk/licenses Disclaimer: License for Android SDK Platform 26 package not accepted. License for android sdk build-tools 28.0.3 not accepted, license for android sdk build-tools 28.0.3 package not accepted | Android License Status Duration: 1:54 Published: Jan 7, 2020 Review the Android SDK Platform 28 package license in /opt/android-sdk/licenses Warning: License for Android SDK Platform 28 package not accepted. ERROR: The build failed with one exception. .